After years of legal battles, Ambassador Bianca Ojukwu, the widow of late Igbo leader Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, and her two children have emerged victorious in the dispute over the management and control of assets belonging to Ojukwu Transport Ltd (OTL). The family company, OTL, faced contention after the passing of the late Ikemba Nnewi in 2011.
The litigation, suit LD/1539/2012, was brought by Bianca on behalf of her two infant sons, Afamefuna and Nwachukwu, against OTL and seven others, including brothers of the late Dim Ojukwu, their sons, and a property agent. The defendants sought to take possession of the claimants’ residence at No. 29 Oyinkan Abayomi Drive, Ikoyi, Lagos, as well as other properties under the management and control of their late father, the Biafran warlord.
In a significant ruling on June 24, this year, Justice A. M. Lawal of the Lagos High Court upheld the rights of the claimants, recognizing them as the biological children of the late Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu. As such, they are entitled to their father’s estate and his entitlements as a deceased director and shareholder of OTL. The court emphasized fairness and equity, ensuring that the claimants retain possession and control over the assets their father managed while he was alive.
Justice Lawal pointed out that the family of the company, OTL, had been living on and deriving income from the company’s assets over the years, indicating a decision by conduct. In light of this, the defendants could not seek to dispossess the claimants while they continue to control other assets of the company.
The court struck out the counterclaim by the defendants and declared the claimants entitled to possess and occupy the property at No. 29 Oyinkan Abayomi Drive, Ikoyi, Lagos, as well as other properties previously managed by their late father.
With the judgment in favor of Ambassador Bianca Ojukwu and her children, the dispute over the management and control of Ojukwu Transport Ltd assets comes to a conclusive end.
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