A heart-wrenching incident unfolded during a school graduation in Ilorin, Kwara State capital, where a two-month-old baby named Usman Idris was reportedly stolen from his mother. The heartbroken mother, Sekina (popularly known as Iya Mujidat), revealed that the baby was taken by a lady who had accompanied her to the event.
The tragic incident occurred at approximately 3 pm on Saturday at the school premises located in the Deeper Life area, Sawmill, Ilorin. The suspect, described as a tall fair complexion woman dressed in a purple Ankara with a black headscarf, offered to help carry the baby while the mother accompanied her elder son, who was graduating, to collect his certificate. Sadly, that was the last time they saw the suspect.
The mother reported the case at the ‘B’ Division Police station in Surulere, Ilorin. The state Police Public Relations Officer, SP Ajayi Okasanmi, confirmed the incident and assured the public that efforts are underway to apprehend the lady and possibly recover the stolen baby.
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